Anniversary Club - WKAC

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Welcome To The WKAC Anniversary Club

If you live in our immediate listening area and will be having or someone you know is having an Anniversary soon, join the WKAC Anniversary CLub. It's easy to enter just complete the form below, being sure to complete ALL areas, forms that are not completed may not be entered. To be sure your name is called, enter at least 2 weeks in advance.

Then listen each Monday-Friday at 12:20pm(Sunday's Anniversary are announced on Monday and Saturday's are announced on Friday) for your name to be called.

Read the rules and enter below!

Contest Rules:
1) Only one entry per person per year.

2) Only one coupon allowed per visit per family or party.

3) Anniversary certificates must be picked up within 2 weeks of winning.
I.D. required!

4) Both members of the Anniversary MUST still be living!

Note: It is now important that you enter yearly to remain active in club! Information provide to us by you, will not be used, or sold to another party. It is for our use only!

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